California , Arnold Schwarzenegger will ban wolf hybrids, among other animal hybrids. Take your hard earned tax dollar. Take by force from the homes of us Americans our pets and put to death theses beautiful creatures! They say on the web, even if not a hybrid if looks like one they have the right to take it! On top of that fine you and or imprison you!
Regulatory Language
Section 681, Title 14, CCR, is added to read:
§ 681 Hybrids.
(a) Hybrids are the progeny of animals or plants of different species. Provisions of the
Fish and Game Code and regulations adopted pursuant thereto regulating, restricting,
or relating to a species that has contributed to the lineage of a hybrid shall apply to that
hybrid. Unless otherwise provided in these regulations, when two or more provisions
regulating a hybrid conflict with each other, the provision that provides the highest level
of protection or that allows the most restrictive level of take, possession, size limit, or
bag limit will supersede any other conflicting provisions.
(b) Subsection (a) does not apply:
(1) To any duck or goose determined, by the department, to be a hybrid of any domestic
species of goose or duck.
(2) When the department determines that the animal or plant is a hybrid of a threatened,
endangered, rare, or fully protected species and further determines that the level of
protection is not reasonably extended to provisions of the California Environmental
Quality Act, California Endangered Species Act, or provisions of these regulations and
the Fish and Game Code dealing with threatened, endangered, rare, or fully protected
(c) Determinations by the department pursuant to subsection (b) do not have to be
based on past or newly initiated studies.
Note: Authority: Sections 200, 203, 205 and 2120, Fish and Game Code.
Reference: Sections 1002, 2000, 2001, 2116, 2118, 2118.2, 2118.4, 2119-2155, 2190,
and 2271, Fish and Game Code.
TITLE 14. Fish and Game Commission
Notice of Proposed Changes in Regulations
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fish and Game Commission (Commission), pursuant to
the authority vested by sections 200, 203, 205 and 2120, of the Fish and Game Code and to
implement, interpret or make specific sections 1002, 2000, 2001, 2116, 2118, 2118.2, 2118.4, 2119-
2155, 2190, and 2271 of said Code, proposes to add Section 681, Title 14, California Code of
Regulations, relating to Hybrid Animals and Plants.
Informative Digest/Policy Statement Overview
The Department should have as an enforcement tool a general section regulating hybrid plants
and animals. A hybrid of two or more species is not a specific species and therefore is not
addressed within most regulations or code sections referring to limits, seasons, take, and
possession. Potential examples are: a hybrid bass (i.e. largemouth and spotted bass that
naturally occurs in a lake), hybrids of restricted exotic cats and non-restricted domestic cats,
and hybrid canines such as coy-dogs (coyote and dog).
The mixing of species is expanding as scientific methods improve. Examples of potential
problem areas are abalone, fin fish, falconry, waterfowl, aquaculture, and restricted exotic
species. The proposal would not only help regulate true hybrids but would help in preventing
violators from using a “hybrid defense”. The proposal would give the Department flexibility in
enforcing various laws and regulations. Nature and science can produce hybrids and an
agency which enforces plant and animal laws is placed at a disadvantage if it lacks regulations
to reasonably address hybrid issues.
NOTICE IS GIVEN that any person interested may present statements, orally or in writing,
relevant to this action at a hearing to be held at the Yolo Fliers Club, Ballroom,
17980 County Road 94B, Woodland, California, on Thursday, October 1, 2009, at 8:30 a.m., or
as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard.
NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that any person interested may present statements, orally or in
writing, relevant to this action at a hearing to be held at the Yolo Fliers Club, Ballroom,
17980 County Road 94B, Woodland, California, on Thursday, November 5, 2009, at 8:30 a.m.,
or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. It is requested, but not required, that written
comments be submitted on or before October 29, 2009 at the address given below, or by fax at
(916) 653-5040, or by e-mail to Written comments mailed, faxed or e-mailed
to the Commission office, must be received before 5:00 p.m. on November 2, 2009. All
comments must be received no later than November 5, 2009, at the hearing in Woodland, CA.
If you would like copies of any modifications to this proposal, please include your name and
mailing address.
The regulations as proposed in strikeout-underline format, as well as an initial statement of
reasons, including environmental considerations and all information upon which the proposal is
based (rulemaking file), are on file and available for public review from the agency
representative, John Carlson, Jr., Executive Director, Fish and Game Commission, 1416 Ninth
Street, Box 944209, Sacramento, California 94244-2090, phone (916) 653-4899. Please direct
requests for the above mentioned documents and inquiries concerning the regulatory process to
John Carlson, Jr., or Sheri Tiemann at the preceding address or phone number. Mr. Rob Allen,
Enforcement Branch, Department of Fish and Game, (916) 651-9953 has been designated
to respond to questions on the substance of the proposed regulations. Copies of the
Initial Statement of Reasons, including the regulatory language, may be obtained from the
address above. Notice of the proposed action shall be posted on the Fish and Game
Commission website at
Availability of Modified Text
If the regulations adopted by the Commission differ from but are sufficiently related to the action
proposed, they will be available to the public for at least 15 days prior to the date of adoption.
Circumstances beyond the control of the Commission (e.g., timing of Federal regulation
adoption, timing of resource data collection, timelines do not allow, etc.) or changes made to be
responsive to public recommendation and comments during the regulatory process may
preclude full compliance with the 15-day comment period, and the Commission will exercise its
powers under Section 202 of the Fish and Game Code. Regulations adopted pursuant to this
section are not subject to the time periods for adoption, amendment or repeal of regulations
prescribed in Sections 11343.4, 11346.4 and 11346.8 of the Government Code. Any person
interested may obtain a copy of said regulations prior to the date of adoption by contacting the
agency representative named herein.
If the regulatory proposal is adopted, the final statement of reasons may be obtained from the
address above when it has been received from the agency program staff.
Impact of Regulatory Action
The potential for significant statewide adverse economic impacts that might result from the
proposed regulatory action has been assessed, and the following initial determinations relative
to the required statutory categories have been made:
(a) Significant Statewide Adverse Economic Impact Directly Affecting Business, Including
the Ability of California Businesses to Compete with Businesses in Other States:
The proposed action will not have a significant statewide adverse economic impact
directly affecting business, including the ability of California businesses to compete with
businesses in other states. The proposal recognizes the heritage of animals and plants
enabling the Department to maintain control of species, and their hybrids, that it already
(b) Impact on the Creation or Elimination of Jobs within the State, the Creation of New
Businesses or the Elimination of Existing Businesses, or the Expansion of Businesses in
No significant impact. Possible impact in those that deal in hybrids of restricted species.
(c) Cost Impacts on a Representative Private Person or Business:
The agency is not aware of any cost impacts that a representative private person or
business would necessarily incur in reasonable compliance with the proposed action.
However, undesirable hybrids can be affected and therefore those that commercially
deal in such hybrids may be affected.
(d) Costs or Savings to State Agencies or Costs/Savings in Federal Funding to the State:
(e) Nondiscretionary Costs/Savings to Local Agencies:
(f) Programs Mandated on Local Agencies or School Districts:
(g) Costs Imposed on any Local Agency or School District that is Required to be
Reimbursed Under Part 7 (commencing with Section 17500) of Division 4, Government
(h) Effect on Housing Costs:
Effect on Small Business
It has been determined that the adoption of these regulations may affect small business. The
Commission has drafted the regulations in Plain English pursuant to Government Code sections
11342.580 and 11346.2(a)(1).
Consideration of Alternatives
The Commission must determine that no reasonable alternative considered by the Commission,
or that has otherwise been identified and brought to the attention of the Commission, would be
more effective in carrying out the purpose for which the action is proposed or would be as
effective and less burdensome to affected private persons than the proposed action.
John Carlson, Jr.
Dated: September 1, 2009 Executive Director